Drought is not a problem!

Drought control
July 21, 2018
Biologization of agrarion production
January 4, 2020
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Drought is not a problem!

As practice shows, prolonged drought leads to the gradual death of the soil layer below the arable layer. In most cases, this is a depth below 30 cm. The lack of water compacts the soil, making it inaccessible to aerobic bacteria and worms. The lack of these natural loosenings further compacts the soil, especially if it is chestnut soils and loams. Soil infiltration is disrupted and even with prolonged precipitation in the form of rain or snow (Oh miracle!) moisture does not absorb into the soil, forming puddles on the surface.

VERSION 1. In the northern regions, such puddles can freeze, destroying plant shoots in a few weeks. After prolonged icing, farmers plow the field again, wasting time and money.

Treatment of shoots that had frozen but not lost their viability (160 pieces/ha) of winter barley with BIO-GEL® at a rate of 2 l/ha led to an unexpected result: 4 t/ha of high-quality grain

VERSION 2. As a result, the plant develops only in the arable layer. The roots of the plant, having reached the compacted soil, bend and intertwine with each other. The photo shows the difference between the dug samples with and without BIO-GEL®. After harvesting, the wheat roots were carefully dug up on the sides to the length of a shovel. Together with a clod of earth, the samples were brought to the laboratory and thoroughly washed. In the control, the root has a length of up to 30 cm. With a two-time treatment of vegetating wheat plants with the preparation (1.5 l/ha), the root increased to 55-60 cm, i.e. almost doubled! Accordingly, the yield in the experiment was 4.9 t/ha instead of 4.0 t/ha in the control. The tests were conducted in the Sergiyevka agricultural district of the Odessa region.