The price of colonization

Поїздка в агрохолдінг «Арніка»
August 23, 2020
Drought. Control. Inoculation of LEANUM seeds
February 1, 2025
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The plant increases the release of root exudates in response to a lack of moisture.

Slime-like exudates form a bacterial cover (bacterial film) around the roots, which intensifies during drought. The cover, together with the soil adhering to it, creates an additional supply of moisture, increasing the plant's chances of surviving a drought.

To prepare the grain for extreme conditions of survival during the drought, it is advisable to inoculate the seeds in advance with combined probiotics, bacterial metabolites and signal molecules - alarm signals for thermal stress. This treatment significantly increases the resistance of plants to drought and contributes to the preservation of their natural potential for the future harvest.

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