It is no secret that a good state of a crops does not always justify farmers’ hopes for a high yield. Drought, late frosts, acid rains harm is directly proportional to the area of the plant top.
The ways to organic agriculture are numerous and all of them are risky and require considerable investments. That is why most agrarians find them unrealistic.
It is for such agrarians that we recommend a longer but more reliable and economically profitable way aimed at gradually decreasing the amount of chemicals used and replacing them with organic products. Such approach is called biologization of agrarian production.
Everyone knows that diseases “cling” to frail humans and animals. The same can be said about plants: chemicals, fungicides, stress are conducive to various diseases. Thus a pernicious chain starts: disease – treatment – disease. The situation is hard to fix, but we can take preventive steps.
Biological preparations containing bacteria (known as inoculants) appeared some 20 years ago and have both supporters and opponents among farmers all over the world.
Do you know that widely used humates of chemical origin including sodium and potassium humates curdle in hard water containing salts. First of all these are divalent chemical compound of calcium, magnesium and iron, which are so abundant in the Ukrainian water resources.
A new product has appeared on the market, it is the so-called “structured water”. It looks quite transparent and in no way different from ordinary water having the famous formula of H2O.
The new technology effectiveness has been confirmed by its industrial implementation on large-scale fields of big farms where each money unit invested brought about tenfold monetary profit.