Biological preparations containing bacteria (known as inoculants) appeared some 20 years ago and have both supporters and opponents among farmers all over the world. The replacement of chemical fertilizers (primarily, nitrogen) with biological ones which are made by microorganisms from the air and organic debris in the soil, has caused a real revolution in agriculture. It would seem that the mankind has received “bank guarantees” for eternity. The end of the era of chemicals seemed not far off! But ...
Bacteria – “mollycoddle” grown artificially at biofactories die quickly getting into adverse conditions of dry or overcooled soils, acid residues of chemical fertilizers and soil pathogenic fungi, thus burying the farmer’s hopes for a rich harvest.
life span of these bacteria is not longer than several weeks or hardly several months. Besides, during the first week their number drops from billions to millions, that is, thousand times.
This gave us an idea to create unique inoculants which would survive under any stress conditions.
«Such bacteria-fighters can survive under extreme conditions of cold spring and dry summer, violent use of chemicals and hostile bacterial microflora in soil.
Besides, we have provided these bacteria with necessary “ammunition” in the form of a starter feed which is easily digested and ensures a population outbreak of the bacteria and their “allies” – symbiotic microorganisms inhabiting soil. Thus the inoculant positive effect has been ensured.
As a result of numerous experiments and practical tests we have produced such inoculants which have certain advantages compared to the artificial ones.